A research data warehouse integrating phenotype with available research biospecimens is now available for use. Clinical data from TJUH, including demographics, diagnoses, procedures and clinical lab values, have been linked to research biorepository data, so that cohorts of individuals having certain demographic and clinical characteristics, and furthermore, have available biospecimens for research, can be defined.

Additionally, data from Jefferson's Oncology Data Service (Tumor Registry) can be included in the cohort definition. These comprehensive data on SKCC cancer patients include name, birthdate, gender, race, ethnicity, age and date at diagnosis, disease site, histology, AJCC stage, grade, multiple primary vs metastasis, tumor sequence, recurrence (distant, local), ER/PR/Her2 status (breast ca), treatment type and dates, overall and disease-free survival, date of last follow-up contact, dead/alive.

All data is de-identified (no HIPAA Protected Health Information).

To establish access to the Research Data Mart, please complete this registration form.

If you already have registered, click here to access the TJU/SKCC Research Data Mart.

NCI Designated Cancer Center

Maintained by the Informatics Shared Resources of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson

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