Thomas Jefferson University

18th Jefferson Postdoctoral Research Symposium

When: Thursday, September 19, 2024 (10am-6pm)
Where: Connelly Auditorium and Lobby, Hamilton Building


Abstract submission deadline: Monday, July 15 at 5:00 pm

This form will automatically be e-mailed to It will also be CC'ed to your mentor. Please respond to all questions. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Submitter Name:*
Submitter E-Mail:*
Submitter Cell Phone:*
Mentor Name:*
Mentor E-Mail:*
Mentor Cell Phone:*
Lab/Office Address:*
Would you like your abstract to be considered for an Oral presentation (Research In-Depth or Lightning Talk)? If you select "No", your abstract will only be considered for a Poster presentation. *
Would you like to be considered for the "Early Discoveries" poster section? *
If you select “Yes” you will only be considered for the “Early Discoveries” poster section.
Note: You are eligible for the “Early Discoveries” category if you are in your first year as a postdoc at Jefferson or if you initiated the project within the past 6 months. "Early Discoveries" posters are only eligible for a poster presentation (not oral presentation).
If the abstract booklet is uploaded to the PRS website, will you allow your abstract to be included in the online booklet? (Your answer will not affect the selection of your abstract for presentation.) *
Does this project have commercial sponsorship? *
If you answered yes to the above question, please identify the commercial sponsor:
Has there been any prior public disclosure (e.g. journal article) or other public disclosure (e.g. poster presentation) of these results? *
Have you or your mentor discussed this work with the Jefferson Innovation Pillar?*
If you answered yes to the above question, please provide a bit of information about the discussions with Innovation. Was a patent application discussed or filed? What next steps were discussed?

Abstract Category *:

Abstract Category - Other Description:
Abstract Title:*
Abstract Authors *
Please enter the authors in the following format:
Last name, initial(s), affiliation numbers.
Naim A 1, Smith JA 2, Lankford E 1,2

Abstract Author Affiliations *
Please enter the affiliation and affiliation number corresponding to authors above.
1 Department of Pathology & Genomic Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
2 Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Abstract (2100 character maximum):*

Comments (e.g. this is an update of an already submitted abstract or an author has been added):

Abstract length: 0 characters of 2100

Submitter Name, Submitter E-Mail, Submitter Phone, Mentor Name, Mentor E-Mail, Mentor Phone, Lab Address, Department, Oral Presentation, Early Discovery Consideration, Sponsored Project, Public Disclosure, ROI Submitted, Abstract Category, Abstract Title, Abstract Authors, Affiliations and Abstract are required before submission.

*required field

For further information, please send email to

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